For sometime now, many have gotten frustrated with the high cost of professional Search Engine placement. Now however, there's a new guy in town who wants to explain how you can easily do it yourself, even if you are a novice.

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Article Body:
No one needs to know all of the ranking criteria in order to get to the top of search engine lists. In fact, even if you were extremely good at it, Google could and will change algorithms at anytime. The game of getting to the first page can be complicated, but doesn't need to be. "PJ" is prepared to explain in his free report, just how easy it can be. "This information is very helpful to both the novice setting out to sell his or her product for the very first time, or perhaps the more experienced Internet salesperson who is frustrated with the costs of the high profile SEO professionals".

"It will take perseverance, patience and the willingness to trust in the methods that have been proven time and time again," PJ says. "Also, although you won't advance to the top overnight, it's going to be much quicker than you think". 

Paying for the top position rarely works - the most popular search engine doesn't allow it, and users ignore the paid-for listings anyway (just like they ignore banner ads). Beautiful graphics and stunning animations usually reduce your search engine ranking! Massive lists of repetitive keywords don't work - search engines use natural language syntax checking and frequency analysis to eliminate such pages from consideration. 

PJ resides in a Eden Prairie, Minnesota which is an upscale suburb just outside of Minneapolis. He has been interested in Search Engine placement for quite some time. Now , finally he says he is prepared to "spill all the beans" to those interested in his years of research. "Be ready", he says, "You're going to be surprised to see just how simple it is". For a FREE  EBOOK detailing the fastest way to the top of the search engine, visit:   and